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相关专题: 玩具行业  发布时间:2012-04-28
资讯导读:一名4岁的沙特小男孩因为父亲拒绝给他买游戏机,一怒之下开枪杀死了父亲。  An angry four-year-old Saudi boy shot and killed


An angry four-year-old Saudi boy shot and killed his father for refusing to buy him a PlayStation, the Asharq Daily reported.According to the newspaper, the child had asked his father to buy him a PlayStation and the shooting took place after the man returned home without the desired object.As he was undressing, the man put the weapon down, which the child then grabbed and fired at him from close range.据《阿沙尔克报》报道,一名4岁的沙特小男孩因为父亲拒绝给他买游戏机,一怒之下开枪杀死了父亲。据该报道,男孩央求父亲给他买一个游戏机,但是当父亲回家时却没有给他想要的东西,男孩便开枪杀死了父亲。当时,父亲正在脱衣服,解下了身上的枪,男孩抓起枪近距离打死了他。

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